Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture

11th EDITION – YEAR 2023

The Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture is awarded to a living architect whose work embodies the principles of traditional and classical architecture and urbanism in contemporary society. The body of work by the chosen laureate will be seen not only to preserve and rehabilitate the heritage of historic and traditional sites and structures in Spain and Portugal, but also to contribute to the continuity of the building and architectural traditions which shape it.

The Prize is named in honor of the body of work by architect Rafael Manzano Martos, whose life work is dedicated to the preservation of architectural heritage both through its restoration and through designing new structures drawing on that heritage.

The 2023 Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture is organised by INTBAU (the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism), with the collaboration of Kalam, the Fundação Serra Henriques, the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando and Hispania Nostra Association, and with the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic. The winner of the 2023 Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture will receive 50,000 Euros and a commemorative medal.

It was first awarded in 2012 in a ceremony held at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Madrid). In 2017, thanks to the collaboration of the Fundação Serra Henriques and the Ordem dos Arquitectos, and with the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, the prize was extended to Portugal, being granted to practitioners in either of the two countries.


Open to all active architects who have developed their profession in Spain or Portugal for at least ten years.


The award selection will be based on the contribution that the applicant has made in the field of architecture and urbanism while respecting their traditional principles in the restoration of mouments, public spaces, and urban settings of historic and artistic value; or in the creation of harmoniously integrated new structures and public spaces based on local traditions.


The award may be granted for a particular work or based on the assessment of multiple works carried out over a professional life.


Candidates must submit, by 27 April 2023, the following documentation:

  • A written professional biography of 250 words in English and in Spanish or Portuguese.

  • Justification of no more than one-page, in Spanish or Portuguese and in English, summarizing the reasons why the nominee should receive the award.

  • No more than ten images in digital format (jpg or tiff, 300dpi) for each project submitted with a limit of five projects per candidate. These images should include pictures, plans and drawings of the submitted projects. A brief explanation, in English and in Spanish or Portuguese, may accompany each project totaling no more than 250 words per explanation.


Prior applicants may be considered for the 2023 Award by submitting a written request. Candidates may update their submittals with additional images and documentation.


Candidacies submitted not selected in past editions may be reconsidered in future calls.


The jury will be composed of personalities from the world of Architecture and Fine Arts.


The award will be presented at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid.

All documentation, including personal data, will be treated with absolute confidentiality. This documentation must be submitted electronically to: convocatoria@premioarquitectura.com or to the following address along with one memory stick: PREMIO RAFAEL MANZANO DE NUEVA ARQUITECTURA TRADICIONAL 2023 REAL ACADEMIA DE BELLAS ARTES DE SAN FERNANDO Calle de Alcalá, 13. 28014 Madrid Tel.: 91 416 68 38