The Driehaus Heritage Preservation Medal


The Driehaus Heritage Preservation Medal is a companion award to the Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture. As exemplified by the example of Richard Driehaus, the Medal will recognize entrepreneurs, developers, heads of foundations or other institutions that are making significant contributions to preserve and build upon heritage and architectural traditions in Spain and Portugal.

There is no cash award associated with this prize but a medal, designed by Rafael Manzano Martos, will be given during the Manzano Prize ceremony at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. A video about the laurate will shown during the ceremony.

Entries will be judged by the Rafael Manzano Prize Jury supplemented with up to three additional persons likely to know of potential candidates for this medal.

Sometimes it is forgotten that none of the work of architects and urban designers and none of the opportunities to create great work can take place without a patron – who is one step above a simple client. Spain and Portugal are fortunate to have such essential individuals and institutions and they deserve to be recognized. It is fitting to name this medal after Richard H. Driehaus as his support for the heritage of Spain and Portugal and the opportunity to draw on this heritage as inspiration and guidance for new work provides an outstanding model of it.

Assessment Criteria

The jury will evaluate candidates based on the degree to which they have prominently performed one or more of the following activities:

  • Patronage of preservation and/or restoration of historic sites and structures demonstrating a sense of place.
  • Promotion or development of new construction in keeping with the traditional identity of a heritage location.
  • Promotion of material or intangible cultural heritage.
  • Widespread dissemination of information about the value of built and/or cultural heritage.
  • Advocacy for preservation, restoration or appropriate addition to endangered heritage sites, structures or cultural elements.
  • Innovative leadership that provides models for successful heritage preservation and the practice of traditional design.


Submission Requirements

Entries must be submitted by XX XXXX 2019 and include the following documentation:

1- A 250-500 word personal or professional biography of the nominee.

2- Justification of no more than one page, in Spanish or Portuguese and in English summarizing the reasons why the nominee should receive this award.

3- Two recommendation letters signed by persons knowledgeable about one or more instances where the nominee has demonstrated the characteristics listed in the criteria.

4- Description of up to six instances where the support of the nominee has been instrumental in supporting heritage preservation and/or new work in harmony with it.

5- Up to six photographs documenting each instance submitted in #4.